This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Flight Attendant Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a flight attendant and luggage. Makes a great Flight Attendant appreciation gift.
Watch case diamater is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Nail Tech Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a set of nails and nail polish. Makes a great Nail Tech appreciation gift.
Watch case diamater is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Waitress Watch. It features hand-crafted miniature of a Waitress. Makes a great Waitress appreciation gift.
Watch case diameter is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Massage Therapist Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of hands and lotion. Makes a great Massage Therapist appreciation gift.
Watch case diameter is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Beautician Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a hair dryer, scissors and hair spray. Makes a great Beautician appreciation gift.
Watch case diameter is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Dog Groomer Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a Poodle, scissors and hair spray. Makes a great Dog Groomer appreciation gift.
Watch case diameter is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Flight Attendant Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a flight attendant and luggage. Makes a great Flight Attendant appreciation gift.
Watch case diameter is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Psychiatrist Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a clip board and book. Makes a great Psychiatrist appreciation gift.
Watch case diamater is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Realtor Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a house and car. Makes a great Realtor appreciation gift.
Watch case diamater is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Photographer Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a camera and film. Makes a great Photographer appreciation gift.
Watch case diamater is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.
This is the smaller version of our Whimsical Stock Broker Watch. It features hand-crafted miniatures of a bull and bear. Makes a great Stock Broker appreciation gift.
Watch case diamater is 1.25".
Colorful watch face design with easy-to-read analog dial.
Italian leather band in several complimentary colors.